
A list of all good people we were fortunate to collaborate with.

Jeanne Caron-Guyon was a postdoc with us in 2023/2024, studying the neural correlates of consciousness during sleep using sEEG. She is now an Assistant Professor at the Grenoble Institute of Neuroscience.

Dorian Goueytes was a postdoc with us in 2021/2023, investigating the neural markers of confidence and changes of mind with sEEG. After obtaining a Marie Curie postdoctoral fellowship, he is now an Assistant Professor at the Scalab in Lille.

Lise Brun defended her PhD in December 2023 entitled "Motor metacognition: towards a bridge between cognitive and sport psychology.

Marie Chancel joined the team in 2022 a postdoc to work on global aspects of metacognitive monitoring. She is now a CNRS researcher at Aix Marseille University.

Audrey Kist worked with us for her Master's thesis and recently obtained her PhD entitled "Decision-making and metacognition multi-modal study in Obsessive Compulsive Disorder : anteromedial subthalamic nucleus implication".

Michael Pereira worked with us since the beginning as a SNF postdoctoral fellow. He is now an INSERM researcher at the Grenoble Institute of Neuroscience.

Funda Yilmaz joined in 2023 as an Erasmus exchange student to work on the auditory perception of presence and absence.

After three and a half years with us and four published articles, Martin Rouy defended his PhD in January 2023 entitled "Behavioral and electrophysiological characterization of metacognitive deficits in schizophrenia spectrum disorder".

Clément Sauvage joined in 2022 as a Master student to test predictions of the Leaky Evidence Accumulation Process.

Childéric Dezier joined in 2022 as a Master student to quantify metaperception and metamemory in schizophrenia.

Perrine Porte joined in 2022 as a Master student to quantify metaperception and metamemory in schizophrenia.

Lucien Gyger joined in 2019 as a postdoctoral fellow on the Metaction project.

Wassila El Mardi joined in 2021 as a Master student to investigate metaperception and metamemory.

Hugo Techer joined in 2021 as a Master student to investigate the anatomical correlates of metaperception.

Hanna Seban joined in 2021 as a Master student to investigate metaperception and metamemory.

Flore Audouy joined in 2021 as a Master student to investigate the relationship between confidence judgments and phenomenality.

Eugenie Baque joined in 2021 as a Master student to investigate metacognition in schizophrenia.

Pauline Saliou joined in 2020 as a Master student to investigate metacognition in schizophrenia.

Rémi Sanchez joined in 2020 as a Master student to investigate metaperception and metamemory.

Jeanne Caron-Guyon joined the team as a postdoctoral research fellow to study perceptual consciousness during sleep using stereotactic electroencephalography. Her previous work evaluated the perception and cerebral processing of multisensory motion perception in both rats and humans, and in healthy and visually-impaired participants. For rat experiments she used electrophysiological unit recordings and voltage-sensitive dye imaging, and in humans psychophysics and fMRI. To understand the processes underlying motion perception, she combined both univariate and multivariate decoding techniques (neuronal and MVPA).

Marie Chancel starts a postdoc position in the team focused on the determining factors of metacognitive failures. Her previous work investigates multisensory processes involved in self-body perception via psychophysics, computational approaches, neuroimaging, and electrophysiological technics. In December 2016, she defended her PhD titled “Rules of multisensory integration in kinesthesia and their evolution with aging: Psychophysics & Bayesian approaches”, made under the supervision of Pr. Anne Kavounoudias and Pr. Michel Guerraz.

After obtaining his master degree in cognitive science at the Ecole Normale Supérieure in Paris Dorian completed a Ph.D in the field of Brain-Machine Interfaces (BMIs) at the Paris-Saclay Neuroscience Institute (NeuroPSI). He has a background in electrophysiology, optogenetics and closed-loop systems applied to motor control. His expertise concerns the physiology of the sensorimotor system as well as the plastic processes involved during motor learning. In the lab he is now researching the neural correlates of metacognition in the context of perceptual decision-making using invasive electro-encephalography.

After a Master in Neurosciences in the University of Geneva, Lucien did a PhD on the effect of electroconvulsive therapy on brain structure and function in patients with treatment-resistant depression. He developed strong expertise in the analysis of volumetric and quantitative neuroimaging data (in vivo measurement of myelin, water and iron content). In the lab, Lucien will investigate metacognition in individuals with schizophrenia with EEG in collaboration with Paul Roux from Versailles hospital.

Michael joined the team as a post-doctoral fellow with a mobility grant from the Swiss National Fund. He has a strong experience in signal processing and neuroimaging techniques, including scalp and intracranial electroencephalography (EEG/iEEG), concurrent EEG and functional magnetic resonance imaging (EEG-fMRI), concurrent EEG and transcranial alternating current stimulation (EEG-tACS) and intraoperative single neuron microelectrode recordings for (MER). In the lab, Michael will investigate the subcortical mechanisms of first and second-order perceptual processes, in collobaration with the University Hospital in Grenoble and West Virginia University.

Lise obtained her master’s degree in neuropsychology and clinical neurosciences at University Grenoble Alpes in Grenoble. She studied emotion in bipolar disorder, schizophrenia and Parkinson’s disease. She is now completing her PhD funded by the CBH Graduate School surpervised by a pluridisciplinary team: Céline Souchay, Nathan Faivre (cognitive psychology and neurosciences), Aïna Chalabaev and Estelle Palluel (sports science). Her work consists in developping new tasks to better characterize metacognition in motricity and sports.

Audrey got her master’s degree in Engineering at ICAM Engineering School in Toulouse, France. She also spent one year at the Politecnico in Milan, Italy. Her end of studies project is about data processing and interpolation in C/C++. She spent 2 years as an IT analyst at Thales Alenia Space, then joined EDF as a control systems engineer, working in France, Germany and French Guiana. She is also a co-founder of AMASAI, a consulting practice for ethical uses of data science and artificial intelligence technologies.

Pauline is a certified neuropsychologist with a Master degree in psycohology and neuropsychology from Chambery University. Her previous research projects focused on autoefficacy and cognitive decline in older adults, as well as emotional regulation in adults with ADHD. She is now a Master student in neuropsychology and clinical neuroscience (University Grenoble Alpes). Her project in the lab is to investigate the behavioral and neural bases of metacognitive deficits in schizophrenia.

Martin obtained his MS.c. degree in cognitive science at the Ecole Normale Superieure in Paris, under the supervision of Jerôme Sackur. He is now completing his Ph.D. within the metaction project. His work consists in developping new tasks to better characterize metacognition deficits in schizophrenia, using psychophysics and EEG.

Remi got his Bachelor’s degree in Molecular Biology at University Grenoble Alpes. He spent his third year of bachelor at the University of Adelaide, Australia, where he worked on a genetic engineering project. He did his first year of Master’s degree in Neuropsychology and Clinical Neurosciences at University Grenoble Alpes. His research project focused on the role of perception in decision making, in collaboration with Grenoble Institute of Neurosciences.